Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Topal Island
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So, I'm going to go ahead and claim this, and flesh out the island's exteriors to a somewhat beta stage.

Right now, I've mocked up Port Topal, and currently working on Fort Spraymoth, when I've finished the exteriors of both and put some flora around the south of the island I'll post some screenies.

The Old Ye Bard
OK - sounds good!

Let me know if you need any resources added in.

Was the plan to have any reef around the island? From a purely biological perspective there shouldn't be: coral would never survive the nutrient levels of a river estuary but this is a game...!
Quote:Originally posted by morcroft
OK - sounds good!

Let me know if you need any resources added in.

Was the plan to have any reef around the island? From a purely biological perspective there shouldn't be: coral would never survive the nutrient levels of a river estuary but this is a game...!

I would suggest having a look what the area looks like around the island underwater lol, it's quite a drop, a coral reef probably wouldn't be able to form.

As far as resources go, the retexes for the Leyawiin MC/UC ints, and the narrowcastle int pieces would be appreciated so I can go ahead and do all the interiors while I'm at it, but otherwise there's not much I can think of (apart from pieces needed for the Argonian village, which isn't a big priority really).

I may also make a statue/s at some point for the island, which I'll send to you to bring in through the main resources.