Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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KP, thanks again for all the spectacular help with the chessboard. Glad I could found this problematic object and fix it. And you finished what I messed up. Very educational.

I assume you coordinate it with Ibsen and include it in the next edition of the .esm, correct? So no need to submit anything?

As a follow-up, I wanted to ask you, do you have any other objects to be done? I think I need at least one more object to be fully excel with nif's and dds's, NifSkope, Gimp etc.

KP, you seem to keep the list of demands and needs. Anything on your list, which I could help you with? Perhaps don't throw on me something too complex. A simple object, which I could do from scratch and export it to Oblivion will be just right.

What do you think?
Hi jb3,

No, you need to give Ibsen the fixed chessboard. I did not send it to him. If you need me too, though, I'll send it to him.

Regarding open jobs -

Under this linky:

Open Model Claims

You'll come across a mention of an "organic 'root' table" in the OP.

It's a table made by nature, at least mostly. I was thinking that maybe roots spiral up from the ground to form the table's base, and snake up to help secure a "tabletop" in place. The tabletop itself should also be made of natural materials, like solid wood, or something else.

I had an idea to go with this table: a spiralling root stool. See the pic attached to this post. Of course, feel free to use your own artistic representation.

Be sure to use "Mopp" collision on this table and stool.(polyheder, or "triangle" mesh collision, as known in Blender)

KP, sounds good. This looks like a good practice for me, so I can put it together in NifSkope. Let me take a look and try my hand at it.

OK, so I will wrap up the chessboard and submit it.
Cheers, JB3!