Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hi all;

Just had a mental blank.
If i want my custom NPC to say aq formal greeting the first time the PC speaks to him, and then never say it again, what conditions do I put? I want an introduction, then I want a generic, Hello, good friend.

if you could help, that would be awesome.

Quote:Originally posted by t3h_pwn3r_ii
Hi all;

Just had a mental blank.
If I want my custom NPC to say aq formal greeting the first time the PC speaks to him, and then never say it again, what conditions do I put? I want an introduction, then I want a generic, Hello, good friend.

if you could help, that would be awesome.


Yikes, a Dialogue question.... :pop: (not my specialty).

Doesn't the Dialogue section in CS have an area to enter scripting stuff in, like for "conditions"?

I think you need to make a Quest script attached to a quest, like this (or include somehow in a quest script you already have started):

scn NPCTalkedToOnceQuestScript ;; attached to "NPCTalkedToOnce" quest

short state

(yes you can just include variables in this script and nothing else)

Then, in the Dialogue "Condition" field, write the following:

GetQuestVariable NPCTalkedToOnce,state == 0

In the Dialogue "Result Script" field, write this:

set NPCTalkedToOnce.state to 1


See if that works.
