Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Tamriel Version of the Barbarian Invasions?
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Who else thinks it would be interesting to see if Bethesda have added to the lore a sort of "Post-Roman, barbarian invasion/great migration" equivalent event.

It would be incredible to see cities like Daggerfall, Sentinel and the IC get sacked by hoards of lesser-civilised people.

It is clear that Argonia, Elsweyr, and the Altmer Dominion took advantage of the collapse of the empire but surely some of the lesser factions could found new nations like they did in history?

It coud make the political environment more interesting and varied other than the usual,.
Orsinium is the obvious contender to take advantage of the power vacuum, although they are far from uncivilised. They've wanted to be an independent province for centuries, so it's possible that we may see them as their own country in the new game's lore.

BTW, if you're interested in the fall of the Roman Empire's causes I really recommend this book:

It's very readable and entertaining, but it's a serious piece of scholarship at the same time. And it contains a lot of the newest research into the subject.