
The following section contains forum threads posted on Tamriel Rebuilt's forum in the past that I've backed up for reference. The links on the page aren't live, so don't bother trying to reply to the threads. Click on almost any link to come back to this page.

I myself engaged in quite a bit of friendly banter ;) with the Tamriel Rebuilt mod group in the past. Since I'm a stickler for nostalgia of any kind I've saved a few snippets of what transpired at different points. Remember that the discussions I backed up are like a frozen moment in time from years past - they weren't held yesterday, and the opinions expressed by everyone involved may very well have changed since then.

If you want to visit TR's forum as they are today, here is the link:

- Razorwing


Available threads:
A Matter To Be Discussed | December 23rd 2005 - December 24th 2005
Tamriel Rebuilt In Question? | September 12th 2005 - September 13th 2005