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A random interview I made about Sheogorath. Enjoy!


"So, tell us about yourself, Lord Sheogorath. It is well known that you have two lands of madness, Mania and Dementia. Why is this?"

"Well, the answer there is quite simple. If there was only one land to rule over, it wouldn't be as crazy now, would it? If there was only just one land of Madness, then there's no point. There are two that are indeed similar, in that they are both damn crazy, but contrast in style. They hate each other, you know. That's how I keep my realm in perfect chaotic order. Also, it's a little known secret, but two is the craziest number out of the other eleven."

"Alright, next question. Your realm is full of many different peoples, like Argonains and Dunmer. But, this is a Daedric realm, and they aren't Daedra. What are they doing here?"

"Another good question lad. You see, we princes, we like to mess with the little people of Tamriel. It's quite fun. Now, I like to make people go crazy. They absolutely lose their minds! Now, because my realm is madness in physical form, losing one's mind means you enter my realm. Also, some people just prefer to use the front door."

"That's very interesting. But, if that's the case, then why aren't the followers of Azura for example able to freely go to her realm?"

"Because you can't quite fly into the dusk now, can you? I also heard Azura is less pretty in person, so some people just don't want to."

"Along with people, your realm is also full of many different creatures, like the Grummites and Elytra. They're also unique only to your realm, so they must have always been here. Now, why do you have these creatures, and are they Daedra as well?"

"I keep them to spur up a little more chaos in the old realm. If people know they'll live to see the next day, then where's all the fun in that? They play an essential part in the way my realm works. They're like, tiny gears in the big clock of madness, which is of course two hours off. They make the Manic live it for today and the Demented fear tomorrow. But are they Daedra? I don't think so. Never really checked. I'll be sure to find out someday."

"Now, everyone has heard of the Fringe. What is the Fringe used for exactly?"

"Ah, my fringe is where I keep my portal. The portal goes where I want it to, and some people come along with it. But, they don't meet my standards, and that's a problem if I'm trying to keep the realm at optimal chaos. So, I built a little cage to keep them locked up until they're ready. I named it the Fringe, well, actually a very clever grummite came up with the name, and that's how it stayed."

"The Gates of Madness are the only way out of the Fringe. But, the gatekeeper there seems to kill just about everyone. Why?"

"Why? Why is a good question. The answer is 42. And specifically why the Gatekeeper kills people, is because they ain't completely crazy! Though, that's not entirely true, because you'd need to be crazy to go walking up there in the first place."

"Ok, let's change the subject a bit here. Let's talk a bit about yourself. Which do you prefer, Mania or Dementia?"

"The Manic Sheogorath says Mania, but the Demented Sheogorath says otherwise. To be honest, I don't like either. They're both trying too hard to appease me. And it's really annoying sometimes! So, my favorite part of the Isles is the line that runs across the middle. It's a funny line, I named it Madentia, or was it Demania?"

"Now, you have a few hobbies. One such hobby is you like to collect lettuce. Why lettuce?"

"Lettuce is my favorite fruit. It has so many things to say, but it can't, as it has no mouth. Nope, they're just heads. And don't bother talking to them either, because they can't listen. No, only corn can listen, but it never has anything to say. So, I'm stuck with all of these heads of lettuce. I keep them so I can help them find the rest of their bodies."

"Very interesting. Well, that's all of the questions, so we're done. Thanks for your time."


So, what do you think? Did I make Sheogorath Sheogorathy enough?

Possible places to be used: dunno, Shivering Isles and Apocrypha?

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world.

This post has been edited 3 time(s), it was last edited by IAMTHEEMPEROR: 2007.09.16 07:25.

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Silgrad Tower: Oblivion » Beyond Cyrodiil » Thras » Thras Research » Thras Literature » [Non-Fiction] Interview with Sheogorath