Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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What factions will be in this town?

Mages Guild for certain.

The CS will also need default non-player factions...

Will there be a Fighter's Guild?
No FG, sorry, may be able to join the knights kynareth, need to run it by razorwing though.
I personally believe that wherever there's a Mages' Guild, there should be a Fighter's Guild, and vice-versa. Though you may want to check up with Kukulza on that (he has different plans for his Fighters' Guild in Vvardenfell).
Quote:Originally posted by DarkAsmodeous
No FG, sorry, may be able to join the knights kynareth, need to run it by razorwing though.

why no Fighter's Guild?
Well, there doesn't have to be a Fighter's Guild in every city (like Caldera in Morrowind, but perhaps it is because of the Fighters' Guild's history in Morrowind. It could be just that there wasn't one in the Morrowind version of Steadhelm, but you'll have to ask DA for the specifics.
on Vvardenfell the Fighters Guild has suffered a grievous blow in leadership and membership...
they were being used by the Cammona Tong and thus some members have been led astray and the previous leadership is now being put in question or dead... Fire-eye of Balmora is a Clavicus Vile worshipper and has now left, Sjoring Hard-heart is dead, as is his would be successor Lorbumol gro-Aglakh. Hrundi is still loyal to the old Guild but now the Guild has lost all of its leadership save Percius Mercius and Hrundi... also, the Legion is losing leadership and members as well.... as the Dunmer begin taking sides so do the Legions being without direct leadership.... some assimilate into Helseth's forces, and others defect to join the Redoran or Hlaalu...
and so Duke Vedam Dren, in order to maintain his authority and try to keep peace, he has combined the two and made them the Imperial Guard Guild. It is a protrection guild, not a mercenary or Legion factionthus more condusive to peace. His efforts are noble in intention and initially good but war will come to Vvardenfell nevertheless....

that's for Vvardenfell... I am sure there is a Redoran District Fighters Guild... Confusedhrug:
There are Fighters Guilds in other towns. After all the western mainland is far more Imperialised in theory being the area that directly adjoins Cyrodiil.
I am afraid the fighters guild building is already occupied, and I wanted to break the mold a bit.
I thoroughly like the idea of joinable factions, and I bet the Knights of Kynareth would make a great one. The kernel of the poodle is quests, because we were rather quick to set up joinable factions in the old mod but there were hardly any quests for them. I would suggest having at least three or four synopses for sequential quests drawn up beforehand, perhaps with some 'fireworks' at the end that leaves the player feeling he made a difference in the world one way or the other. In my opinion it doesn't have to be as elaborate with factions already joinable through the main game, like the Guild of Fighters, but of course it would be nice if there was at least one quest. =)
I agree with Razorwing. Even if it just bocoming guildmaster, you have to have something interesting going on in the world around you.

Maybe you could arrange something with the other cities for Silgrad, and see about different guild quarters.
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