Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I read a bit and here are some thoughts

(KK: )there will be a Dreugh-jigger in Dreugh-jigger's Rest on the Bitter Coast who will tell of a city of Dreugh he saw way up north. You will have a journal entry that says that you should talk to a crazy Argonian called Big Head. You go and talk to Big Head who says he visits them every so often and tells them about wordly news and such and that the Dreugh are curious creatures.

The Dreugh Jigger

The Dreugh Jigger will tell you that he/she came across some strange looking things while exploring off the coast (location?), but could not get to them

The PC will then be prompted to enter the waters at said location and finds an underwater cave which is blocked(which the PC will be able to move (maybe a satchel explosive to remove the rocks) (like in Mournhold Ruins)
Once in the cave the pc will find remains of a strange cave village made of natural elements, coral, rock etc etc.

Exploration of the cave will produce a few strange items and a journal written in a strange launguage. The PC will be prompted to take his/her findings to a sage (maybe the same folks who currently hold Ruddy Man's Shell???) Either way the PC consults with the sage and determines that the stuff is of Dreugh Origin. The sage refers the PC to some literature which explains theories and myths about the dreugh.

In the text their is a reference to an underwater ruins which was found (location???
Finding The Ruins

In the journal which has been translated by the sage the PC will (by use of sexton) find the entry to the ruins (only by use of sexton) if the PC doesnt have one in inventory the location is not revealed)<optional idea.

(KKSmileand you discover them... and the Queen of the Dreugh is still alive... and has a vendetta against Vivec.... and Vivec, who killed the Ruddy Man, tried to kill the boy inside of the shell (I;m sure you know the story). However I am making up a twist, which is that the boy's name was Koal, hence Koal Cave. He put on the shell to impress his clan but was possessed. Later Vivec beat him up and took the shell. To save his life, the dreugh gathered him up and his body parts and asked Molag Bal to intervene. Molag Bal promised Koal that he'd get the Ruddy Man shell back again. He did later as a wayward shaman of the House of Troubles but Vivec struck him down again. Now he is a legless Dunmer-Dreugh morph thing and is burning with anger to kill Vivec.

Once inside

You mention finding the Queen (still alive) this would be difficult to believe, but not impossible, if she is still alive, how? we need a means, even if it just means to place in the literature a referance to the life span of the dreugh being exceptionally long...either way an explanation is necessary.

Talking to the Queen

She tells you of the Ruddy Man story (the dreugh side) we allready know Vivec's story of the events let this story differ drastically, include information about Vivec's birth and that the rivalry between

Molag Bal and Vivec runs very very deep

Lets not have the PC decide at this point who to believe and who to help

Thats all I got so far

your first idea is great
as for the holders of the Ruddy Man carapace right now... I'd say those are the Mystics of the Number Room... mathematicians, enchanters, armorers... etc.

as for the Queen being still alive... she seemed to have been an ancient creature already when Vivec was battling Dreugh... and since she was "in a period of self-incubation" I think that meant molting and regrowing and growing older, but younger in body, get it?
cause if you look at lobsters and crabs, provided age-induced issues, disease, and predators don't kill them, they can keep molting and eating and living forever... ideally...
and so I feel that may also apply to the Dreugh... though that rarely happens... but since this is a Queen... and has the luxury to be far from danger and leisure to molt undisturbed, she could get real old, and real powerful..

"Lets not have the PC decide at this point who to believe and who to help***"
I don't get it... why not?

Yes I knew it was them, and after I made the post I re-thought my Idea and that probably would'nt work .

The life of the Queen: you have a sound explanation and thats all I was looking for.

Not making the decision at this point:

My though here is that if Im the player and I find the Dreugh Queen and she tells me all this stuff and asks me to help I

1) say yes
2) say no

If I say no, what prompts me to go to Vivec with the new information I have and see what he offers.

just something we need to consider, as we get into it more Im sure it will be fine Smile
wait up... that got me thinking... so thank you very much....

in old and tribal and religious societies... a tatoo or a mark meant a lot... every tatoo has deep significance...

what if the Queen of the Dreugh then put a mark on you, and enchanted mark. The Mark of Servitude. so with that Mark on you she asks if you want to help her or not. If not then your health will slowly drain, even if you have health potions and stuff it will drain, slowly... sorta an incentive to do you task before you die...

if you join her the Mark will make all Dreugh friendly to you.... and the Mark will not kill you but be there permanently (maybe)
if you decide not to she laughs and tells you the only one who can take that Mark away is a god, and good luck finding one before your health is drained and you soul siphoned off to Molag Bal...

of ycourseou the player will do all he can to get to Vivec (if you didn;t want to work for Queen).... obviously the "last living god" or at least a mortal now but possessing memories and powers of a god... and then Vivec can help you by first taking away your Mark and having you help him...

sound good? Confusedhrug:
Glad to help the creative juices

Yes that sounds good and sound and believable and is a cool way of binding a pc to a quest I like it

Once the meeting takes place the mark is placed, the PC will have a few days to make a decision one way or the other or death yes yes I like it

Quote:Originally posted by bob196045
Glad to help the creative juices

Yes that sounds good and sound and believable and is a cool way of binding a pc to a quest I like it

Once the meeting takes place the mark is placed, the PC will have a few days to make a decision one way or the other or death yes yes I like it


so what do you think of my character Koal? I can give you his bio if you want it...

Koal was once a Dunmer from the area around what is now Gnisis. He was an adolescent when he found a strange hide, the Ruddy Man carapace, lying in a stream. To impress his village with a strange hide he had found he wore it, and realized its power. He was transformed into a monster and a mighty killer, filled with Molag Bal?s bestial rage and the cunning of the Dreugh. Vivec discovered the Ruddy Man (as the wearer of the carapace is called) and defeated him. He cast aside the broken boy and gave the carapace to the Dreugh to keep it from the surface world. However the boy wasn?t dead and was saved by the Dreugh who miraculously healed him and gave him back the carapace, the shell was made mythically inflexible and stretched the bones, thus the Dreugh hoped that Koal would not be defeated or broken again. In ten years, now a man and a shaman of the House of Troubles, Koal went to the land around Tear to cause trouble and slew three entire villages. Vivec battled with him once more, but had to use his giant form as well as the Symblic Collage. Koal was cast into the sea (though Vivec did not know it was the same Dunmer as he has ?slain? before) and his shell robbed from him. He now resides in the Queen of Dreugh?s domain and thirsts for revenge. He is now a part Dunmer part Dreugh creature, his Dunmer arms and legs broken and replaced with Dreugh body parts?
A good story for the child, naming the cave Koal Cave is only fitting.

Im not quite clear on all the Ruddy Man ordeal

Its my understanding that Vivec was the one who dropped the Carapace into the world, possibly to defy Molag Bal. The Carapace was the image of Molag Bal, an offspring (per se) of Molag Bals seduction of Vivec.

So to discard it as he/she did, would surely upset Molag Bal

In his first victory against it he gave it to Molag Bals children(by children I mean followers) (The Dreugh) maybe an act of further defiance

strange but understandable

It appears again, intersting that it is found by someone who worships the House of Troubles...fitting yes, but extremely interesting, like it was planned that way.

Possibly Molag Bal planned even the boy ? hmmmm

It would seem to me that the rivalry between the two (Vivec & Molag Bal) goes back some time

perhaps while Molag Bal raped Vivec, Vivec manipulated the situation so one of Molag Bal's former "selves" the "Father of the Dreugh" The Ruddy man was discarded...
however Vivec wanted it to stay out of Molag bal's grasp, so he couldn't use it again...

so Molag Bal makes a boy who can carry on legacy? :goodjob:
Again with the "Hmmm"

"make the boy" in dominates, or even better.. seduces the boys mother, causing the birth of Koal

I don't think their is a recorded timeline between the events of Vivec dropping the Carapace and Koal finding it, maybe sometime had passed and during that time Molag Bal planned his revenge and part of it was seducing the woman bringing about Koal

Quote:Originally posted by bob196045
Again with the "Hmmm"

"make the boy" in dominates, or even better.. seduces the boys mother, causing the birth of Koal

I don't think their is a recorded timeline between the events of Vivec dropping the Carapace and Koal finding it, maybe sometime had passed and during that time Molag Bal planned his revenge and part of it was seducing the woman bringing about Koal

hehehe... I like it...
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