Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Fighter's Guild Questline.
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Is there any sort of a plan of where the fighters quest-line is going?

Is the Vvardenfell fighter's guild independent from the Cyrodiil guild? Or is it a semi-autonomous branch, or just an extension? From the fact Vvardenfell has a guildmaster, I take it they're at the most affiliated in a similar way to two branches of the military?

Thinking about Percius's glass armour, it might be do-able for him to wear it at some times, and wear 'civvies' at others; when he's just knocking around at home he'll probably not armour up for comfort reasons. Armour is pretty cumbersome stuff, and full leathers are about the only thing you can dress in on a day-to-day basis.

And anhyway, I think it would be cool for important NPC's to appear in more than one outfit.
Im planning the questline but Im sure you can make him switch from armor to clothes.
Nevermind, misread your post!
Eydis Fire-Eye (in Ald Redaynia, no longer in Fighters Guild)
Why is she in Ald reydania? The Nerevarine had already given the bittercup to Eyids Fire-Eye. Why should she return? Ieven thought that the NV could kill her without penalty.
I'm don't remember what I did in the questline, all I know is I'm master of the guild and Eydis is still there. Then again, I also have the bittercup, but I don't remember questing for it... Confusedhrug:
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