Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Well, the other thread was archived, so i figured we'd best start another thread of the main quest for Dumac

Here are the main points from the first thread

- Quest starts out searching for bandits planning to look Dumac

- Bandits enter ruin and die/go mad before you get there, and you only see the last one run out and die.

- Ruin activates/percieved as dangerous, so you have to go shut it off

- Once in, you find the synthesis machine, and shut down the ruin.

This is only a rough outline of some of the main ideas (listed in sequential order of when they would take place) It's a pretty solid base, but could use elaborating. I personally think the first two bullets are a great intro, and the last half (the part in the ruin) is what needs to be concentrated on and made great, but please do not hesistate to post any ideas.

We also should include insanity's talking sword somewhere, be it a sidequest or part of the main quest. I haven't had any ideas, which is why this thread's here

Looking for bandits, not a bad start to the quest, but I thought we were going to start the quest upon discovering Doron's Diary

The diary of Searor. please look!!!!!

Maybe I am wrong or just dreamed it, but I thought we were going to change the ending of the story to "Doron had made it back toward the enterance and passed out and when he awoke he found himself outside the ruin, he was of course insane" From thier he was taken to the hospital in Silgrad, and was placed in a secure room. You find out about the quest by rumor from locals in Steadhelm. Saying that they took him away as he was rambling on about monsterous things, you go to Silgrad and see him, you ask the doctor if you can talk with him, other than the ramblings he mentions words : "diary" "machine", the names of some of his group that went in with him etc etc

This causes you to ask the doctor about his possesions, which is were you get the diary. Thats where we begin and enter Dumac.

The Sword I think should be in the Ruin, in the same room as the Synthesis Machine, with a book near it, which gives details on what they were trying to make, using the book and the machine yields the talking sword. (we need to work on the details)

Also another experiment which was the grenades....we need to be decided on that as well

Fixing the Constructs by using the machine, but with varying results, some constructs don't work properly, destroying themselves, attacking other constructs, attacking the player, but 1 works correctly and can be used as a companion

Ahh well i just paraphrased the old quest thread. You know what? Variety is good. In fact, the more ways you have to start or complete a quest, the better. Concievably, you could have both ways to start out. It'd add a large heaping of variety - two different ways to do the quest. Prehaps we could have many ways to end it too.

Prehaps you could even just chance upon Dumac while adventuring, and figure it out that way. I'm sure i could do the quest with multiple beginnings and endings, once we get around to it.
Yup Variety is good, I had a burst of Memory and remembered that their was a lair of bandits near Dumac, possibly we can change up the ideas a bit...have the player initially get tasked with going after the bandits and when the player discovers the bandits and takes care of them he will find Doron in a cage inside the lair, rambling on about the monsters and things, inside the lair you will also find his diary


Hmm that sounds good... now we have to solidify the ending of the quest. I'm horrible at ending a quest well, and in a manner that doesn't leave the player disappointed.
Yes it will be something we need to work on for sure.

As it is now, we are going to:

1. remove bandits from the area
2. Rescue poor crazy Doron and send him to a padded cell
3. Discover a Talking Sword
4. Discover a Machine which we can use to

a) Fix Dwemer Centurians (which could yield the player with a Companion Centurian)
b) Make some Encased explosives (grenades) and other things
c) Fix our talking sword

5. (this is open to think about) Find a special copy of Chimarvamidium
which will include some "notes" on the possible locations of the pieces of the Armor of Jnaggo

6. Discover a working Ore Mine, which once cleared and Dumac is opened for public (Imperial or otherwise) exploration we can deal with interested parties in getting profits from the mining operation, since it is our find !!

Did I forget something.......

Sounds pretty good! Another thing to consider is the scientific exploration of the ruins. this is a gigantic ruin that's just opened up to lots of crazy explorer- archeologists. I definitely think you should progressively open up more of the ruin, and learn more and more about the events leading up to the dissapearance of the dwemer. It's really too bad we can't kidnap a bethesda executive and hold him ransom for lore info... I'd pay good money to know what really happened at red mountain.

Where would we hide the armor of Jnaggo? The original Chimarvamidium didn't talk much about the armor and stuff (was no use to mages guild) So the "real" one would be exactly what they're looking for. Maybe we can have a subquest to stop the sneaky mages guild types from stealing it. Only problem is that if the armor is in another ruin, we'll have to do that too, and i don't think there are all that many ruins in our chunk of morrowind where you could convincingly hide it.
I'm all for collaboration with Vvardenfell, but i'm not sure if it could work... mods do a horrible job of communicating, unless we made an ESP dependant on both Vvardenfell and Silgrad. Sort of an expanded quest pack for Dumac that uses Vvardenfell and Silgrad. But that's WAAAAAY in the future.

So your suggestion is kinda like this...... we (the player) completes the above mentioned quests within Dumac and at random intervals throughout the game, the player is called on via messenger IE: Messenger arrives at player location with message

" We have discovered what appears to be another passage within Dumac and you please return at once, and scout out this new area, of course we will pay you for your service"

The player returns to find the quest giver standing near some recently removed rocks and a dark passage "A la Mournhold" short dialogue and player enters new area, clears it, discovers a few new things and returns to quest giver

We can do this a few times, but what will we discover ???

As far as the Armor Well I say 1 or 2 pieces can be discovered in Dumac. Maybe a third if we go with above idea (which I think is goood)
The others can be scattered about, maybe a museum can have 1, a collector, find one in an old abandoned tomb, just basically anywhere
but not outside of the ST Mod, the armor is not intended to work unless all the pieces are together, my thoughts on its abilities are

Chameleon, as it was Jnaggo's hiding in the Construct that kept him from discovery by the Chimer


Ability to Summon various types Dwemer Centurians to fight

And some negative effects as well, increased difficulty swimming, jumping, climbing...basically anything to Burden the player, of course this can be offset by other means

Hmm well if we start out with the major passages blocked, quite a few things can be discovered. We may not start out with the armory/barracks, industrial sector, mines, and just have the player do the main quest in the residential/control part (which will be fricken large on it's own) Then they could help the scientists discover the other parts, and gawk at the huge size of the ruins. And just as they think it can't get any bigger, poof! the messanger appears begging them to come back and cut through the centurions.
That sounds bout right Smile lets do it that way then

Start off with the bandits, discover Doron and his diary, Figure way through the maze of Test's into the main Hall of Dumac

The City area will be open as well as the homes which the player can explore. and a few insugnificant areas should also be opened, make it seem like nothing more than a "Vanilla Dwemer Ruin"

Return to the QuestGiver (the one who sent you to clean up the bandit situation) tell him you have cleared out the bandits and have gained entry into Dumac and cleared that as well !

The Questgiver will be overjoyed and report this to his superiors, you get rewarded and back on your way....

1) after player has reached (level x ?/time passed ?)(we need to decide that) messenger shows up...player goes back, goes through first new area discovers ore mines...returns to questgiver, offers to deal with questgiver for share of mine, on your way again

2) timepassed/level........ messenger shows up again, player returns enters a new area discovers synthesis machine, fixes centurians in mine now mining can go on again (more profits)

3) time passed/level ....... same thing, discovers sword, repairs sword in synthesis machine

etc etc

is this how your thinking ?

Of course the order of how we reveal each section is optional for now Smile

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