Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Daggerfall City Wall Meshes
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Is it okay to post screenshots of my progress on the Daggerfall city wall meshes here?
Hope you like it.
Thanks for posting. That looks fantastic.
Your work continues to impress. Excellent work.
Wow. Now I definitely think that Daggerfall will be the most glorious city ever to be created for Oblivion.
Thanks! I'll add a gate-mesh and a corner-tower-mesh as soon as I have time. Afterwards I'll send the walls to the TOYB.
Fantastic! I can't remember, did you have any plans to make the Daggerfall castle as well? Or can it be made from the wall pieces?
I have not decided yet. Initially, I wanted to create a seperate tileset for the castle, but the city walls might look good as castle walls as well. Maybe with another, more massive tower. Not sure. I'll keep you posted ;-)
Thanks! I look forward to seeing what you come up with...
Those are some truly beautiful towers mr siika.
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