Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: rpc31 "Petra Artorius' Bakery"
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Cool, I'm glad you found a use for the wallscreen Brunswick Smile

Havok'd objects have a center of gravity that plays into how they behave in the game. If you want to lean an axe for instance it's a good idea to place the head on the floor, otherwise (just like in real life) it would fall over easily. However they still have to obey their collision mesh, and sometimes the collision mesh makes the object unsteady. I think that's why it's so common to see Bethesda having placed Havok'd objects, like a sword, lying on flat surfaces rather than hanging from a weapon rack.

I have, ugh, fond memories of spending fifteen minutes in my in-game home trying to get a sword to stay still on a weapon rack I'd bought X(
I'll reply later today.
Please upload the correct version (this one is still using the CheydinhalHouseMiddle03Interior; 31-07; 20:06). Thanks. Smile
Thanks. I'll reply later today. Smile

F= Floating / B= Bleeding / S= Look at Screenshot / PG = Pathgrid / th = tetrahedron, point /
sh = because of the silhouette / R = Resize / Re = Reposition / A = Adjust

General info / remarks.

Please add a version number to the name of your esp files. TIA

Furniture is floating because of the silhouette (the CS assumes (after pressing "F") the bench (for example) is already on the floor, it's an error). Press once (sometimes twice) "F".
All the furniture with silhouettes have the same problem.

The Groundfloor.

Use an activator flamenode04 etc. Gives a nice burning sound of the fire.

The First floor.

FireLogPile01, F (there is another), Re, S
Use an activator flamenode04 etc. Gives a nice burning sound of the fire.


Move the selected th (first floor) as shown in the Screenshot PG1.
Otherwise the NPC will walk against the furniture.

Screenie PG2.
Connect the three th's in front of the bench.
I removed some of the connections because they intersected with the table. The NPC follows the grid and walks against the table.

Screenie PG2.
I removed two of the th's. Same as above.

Please change the PG accordingly.

General Remarks.

If you use more of the same objects like the barrels, rotate some of these.
It gives a nice effect (handles have different positions).

Rename the the cell to ReichParkeep31.

The crate: BRCrateBakery. Add St (Silgrad Tower) in front of BR (StBr...).
Same for the barrel.

A very nice interior, well done. Smile
linkage for the lazy
Well, I think I fixed it all...
Please upload the right file. Thanks.
This one is from august first.
Sorry, I've been having a really tough couple months and completely forgot about this, going to upload the right file right now.
It's alright, I'm glad you haven't forgotten about us. Smile How is your arm recovering?
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