Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: DMRD0102 "Tangleweave Caverns" (Completd)
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OK, it might be best used as a quest item of some sort anyway...
I have just started the lighting of the first interior
I have a quick question.

Do the CS and the available resources (vanilla or modders') only allow for the room-and-square-tunnels layout? It seems rather dismissive of Bethesda to more or less ignore the fact that caverns don't actually look like they do in Oblivion.

Also, I just realised that after having used 16:9 screens for so long, the old 4:3 ratio feels terribly narrow.
@ Xae - There are various versions of caverns. Razorwing of ST created the moldcaves which are a lot tighter and we have Sachiel's caves which are predominantly rooms and tunnels but also include some very, very large expanses. Things can be done to tunnels and rooms to customise them such as using rocks and extra items like what we have in our archive such as extra stalactities etc. I guess they have to be fairly flat and easy to walk around for the gameplay though...

@ Doz - Looks okay but I can't really see too well. You will need to adjust the ambient lighting. Otherwise, even with torches, you won't be able to see too far...unless you want an especially dark effect, of course. If you right-click on the interior in the cell window then you should be able to select 'edit' and find the lighting tab. Then change the settings to what is shown...which is the general default for such interiors.

You might also want to add water or change the name to Tangleweave Caverns...that's up to you. I normally set up interior cells myself when I create the opening for a dungeon.
I have 30 RGB on theese screens, and yes, I want a really dark effect, plus I didn't do ant lighting cluttering
Okeydoke. Use plenty of those webs anyhoo.
I delayed the developing of this as my PC had burnt. The only explanation of this is the law of monkey business. Sheisse! I am now using my father's Mac (piece of crap imho) As experts say, an electricity accident led to the total termination of my Graphics card(it was only 2 weeks old T_T), my motherboard and the Power support.
Though my HDD is fine, so the previous progress isn't lost. While my PC is being fixed, I was thinking a lot about our release trailer. This one will need a lot of experience on Videoediting, Label Modelling and voice acting. Plus I guess we should choose one of Xae's soundtracks to be BlackMarsh's Main Theme. The trailer also needs some sort of storyline. You can take a look at
1) Nehrim's trailer :
2) Andoran's Trailer
Ker-rist! That sounds like a truly horrific computer curse! I think the absolutely terrible thing about all of that is the idea of having to use a Mac....oh, how I f**king hate those things!!! Endless frustration with the only saving grace being a pretty screen. They're all looks and no practicality. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you didn't lose your work...I hate it when that happens.

Yes, you're right about the trailer on all counts. As I said, though, I have access to Final Cut Pro which is the industry standard and, hey, this may mean me dusting off my mic again... :yes:
Well, I have started learning what to do with After effects, and maybe Ill have to do my microphone a blowjob too
BM has no main theme yet. I've been saving that one.

The Nehrim trailer is good, but I think they used too much voice acting (not to mention that it's in bloody German). They also wussed out and used Heart of Courage instead of creating an original track. If we're making a proper trailer, I'll tailor some music specifically for it.

In any case, the BM trailer should be a collaborative effort to make sure we get a good result. It'd first off be necessary to create a thread specifically for deciding which locales to show off, which creatures, quests, etc, and start gathering proper footage (i.e. not just "tcl"-flying videos).

And, oh? Is the legendary Ibsen's Ghost returning to voice acting? 'Tis a most glorious time we livin' in, aye.
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