Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Thanks IG; np i can do that. So long as Deez agrees.
Yay undead vampire ship boat quest thingy!!!
Quote:Originally posted by Mizreg
Yay undead vampire ship boat quest thingy!!!
Big Grin

What do you think of Mizreg's idea, Deeza?
What does that mean? is there a boat in my quest now or something? I am rather confused.
Anyway, do you want me to use the basic BM cave tileset? the green or the black and red ones? Can't quite remember their names sorry.

its all on the previous page of the forums.
Sorry, it just sounded really odd when you put that, and sorry to burst Ella's bubble (if i am thinking correct) but i just need help cluttering the thing! i am gonna place the ship wreck and the baddies, and do the AI and Dialogue. i just get pissed off at the cluttering part of dungeons is all.
Hope I've read correctly. Sorry if I haven't, i haven't slept in ages due to gazillions of tests i have been trolled with. And I study like they are exams.

EDIT: Sorry to say this, but I can't seem to get the green cave's to work! The way they are modeled makes them not fin each other and the "a" group don't fit, and the "b" group don't fit, and they both don't fit, nothing fits! Am doing more experiments. Hopefully its me.
Or do i use the root ones from SI?

EDIT AFTER TRIES: Fuck it, I will use the Root's from SI.
Sounds cool.
It will be!
just waiting for IG, he has been a bit inactive lately. Work must be taking his time.
No, don't use the roots from SI. The caves are the ones to go for (the BM caves). They are exactly the same as the vanilla caves except just occasionally there is a missing part which is compensated for by turning on 'snap-to-angle' and rotating a tile. Other than that, everything should work as normal. Confusedhrug:
okay will do.
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