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Quote:Originally posted by TheImperialDragon
Quote:Originally posted by KuKulzA
Quote:Originally posted by Axen
Yeah, but with the Nerevarine, it's different. He was the player in TES3.
so true... but that's what makes it tricky... if we don't go with it, it is understandable, but if we pull it off in an epic but an acceptable way, we will be soooo awesome... :banana:

Well, instead of having the Nerevarine incorporated physically into the game, how about the player gets contacted by Azura in a dream... Who tells the player that the Nerevarine is unable to come to the aid of Morrowind to fight the sixth house and the daedra. She also contacts the Nerevarine, so we could incorporate him into a dream cut-scene (with akavari cape and armor and a closed helm). The Nerevarine will say something or other like "You have been chosen. I am no longer able to defend my kin against the Sixth House and the forces of Destruction (Dagon). This task must fall to you, Nerevarine." The scene ends in the Nerevarine taking off his/her helm, but we never see what the face is like as a blinding surge of light pours from underneath the helm. And the player wakes up with a hand-written note and the closed helm of the Nerevarine. This helm will be in fact quite similar to the Cowl of the Gray Fox, and Nerevar's note explains what magic the helmet holds to unite the peoples of Morrowind... And secure it once and for all.

What do you think?
i dont know about all of this: the nerevarine is the savior of morrowind, and i vote that he returns to it. even if it is only a dream-like appearance, but he should be their for his people. i like the twist with him helping the sixth house though: that would throw some people because the 6th house is thought to be pure evil by many: in fact it was twisted by nerevars orders. i like the idea where u decide what he looks like through questions too, thats the best way.
Quote:Originally posted by final reclaimer
I dont know about all of this: the nerevarine is the savior of Morrowind, and I vote that he returns to it. even if it is only a dream-like appearance, but he should be their for his people. I like the twist with him helping the sixth house though: that would throw some people because the 6th house is thought to be pure evil by many: in fact it was twisted by nerevars orders. I like the idea where u decide what he looks like through questions too, thats the best way.
Cool yea I like my ideas too... but my ideas were inspired by others... :yes:
I think it would be a real cool twist... I mean Nerevarine never set things right about the 6th House, and s/he should... afterall s/he ruined it and should help legitimatize it... but that's my thought, I am sure some folks would disagree
A Dream image of the Nerevarine laying a geas on the Player to save the innocent remnants of the 6th House gets my vote
And what if the remains aren't innocent? :/ There's plenty of the old Sixth House Cult still around.
Suspect that if you read the 6th House books from TES3 you will find that they were innocent until Dagoth Ur got to work on their
Quote:Originally posted by raggidman
Suspect that if you read the 6th House books from TES3 you will find that they were innocent until Dagoth Ur got to work on their
be careful... there's Voryn Dagoth, the Chief Councilor the mystic, the loyal but betrayed friend....
then there is Dagoth Ur, the twisted, driven mad, and possessed Dagoth... infact he claims the title of 'First Dagoth' as he is the First Dagoth of his new Sixth House....

so what if there are two 6th Houses now? the 'previous' Cultish one and the newer (and in a way older) one that is rising... the old Cult stubbornly holds to their way even though Dagoth Ur is dead.... so the new House, made of Dagoth descendants, barbarian Dunmer who are of Dagoth relation, and ash-kin who want to save their House, want to ligitimize their House and take over their lands back....
meanwhile in the true Dunmeri fashion the new self-named Great House Dagoth ambushed the Cult and most are killed and they secretly inform Ordinators of the whereabouts of other shrines...
thus the old House is being wiped out, and the Dunmer people think the old enemy (and shame) is finally being wipedout....

but the new House is coming up... a House of both Dunmer and Ash-kin, the Ashkin not direct leaders but counselors and protectors... the being extremely powerful and have had divine dreams....
and so the new House emerges... ?
I really doubt that they'd betray their brothers.
but betrayel is the most effective, effective enough for a house to fall, when it is unexpected. we could make them think of their brothers as 'twisted', and that would be their way of making the end justify the means.

that could turn out to be a little unbelievable, but if its done right it could work.
Oh, Oh how about this. Instead of that, we help rebuild the House Indoril, since they are the biggest nut of the Temple? We could eleminate the remaning Sixth House freaks, and retake the native Dunmeri fortress, and make the temple (and indoril) have a greater presence in Morrowind, seeing as the nerevarine sorta crashed them, we could rebuild it by doing helpful thing and the protection of the Morrowind People, maybe even make a truce with the Ashlanders? Since lore states that oblivion takes place after the events of Morrowind. Also many people say that the Man God Vivec, has been abducted by Daedra, and Nerevarine may have something to do with that, or may be with the Two good tribes of the Akavir.

Well this is my suggestion, take or decline it ^_^

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