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:banana: :bounce: :banana: :bounce: :banana: :bounce: :banana:

I think LC is the logical choice. Wink Granted. :check:

Anyway, Tom was a seeming rare name a few years ago, now it seems to be showing up all over the place. Why I really care is because I go by the name Tom or Thomas, and now whenever someone says Tom, there's usually at least another Tom around which complicates things. In one of my classes, there were three Toms, me included, and we all had chairs in the same area of the classroom. It was actually a bit confusing, and then there was Tim too...

Strange world I live in, strange world...

Anyway, welcome!
There are 3 toms on my school bus and we all sit reasonably close together, hehehe that can be annoying. :eek:

Thanks for the welcome, I feel like part of the family already Smile
Us Toms will take over the world! Mwahaha! Wink

What ever happened to me being the only Tom in the area days...?
Yea I remember in primary school being the only Tom there, back then everyone was called Daniel, as soon as I went to secondary school this whole army of Toms appeared.
Same here, Daniels all over, now Toms, before you know it, it will be something else, but where did all the Toms come from anyway?
Should do a formal introduction since my last one was poorly aimed.

I am not an expert and any form of Modding, Although I've used CS for almost 4 years now for this and that. Been using Photoshop for alittle longer, but not that much ether. I've been somewhat versed in 3DSMAX 4-6 and Maya, however its been too much of a bother for me to get really into them. I can sorta draw, and concept sketching is what I'm best at. I can skin, but I'm abit rusty.

Have always loved the Idea of a formed Elsweyr or Blackwood because I see alot of room for originality, as free from LOTR influences as TES can be (not that I have anything against LOTR..infact I love them too). Just love creating without lore restrictions based on a different genre and seeing new concepts being created as such). Khajiits seem to walk that mostly ignored line between pure (orc, elf, barbarian) fantasy and alien inhabited Sci-fi.

When I'm on beth's forums I go by "Marseo". Here I chose Xiri or Ji'xiri; A ~plain Suthay who stayed in Elsweyr and is the younger brother of Suthay-Raht Darxata, my main Oblivion Char~. ..I'm not a fan of roleplaying, just seemed a fun way to make my alias name not pulled completely from thin air.

I'm a plain collage student(Junior year =P) with the typical part time job, usualy only my weekends are free, but i'm between jobs (as post a hiatus to canada) lotsa freetime for a few weeks, then its off to Socal and then back to school.

If you think I could be of help with anything, (even simple consolidation) let me know. I really really want to see this project succeed.
Welcome, glad to have you!
Hey all. I'm Hrafnkel (obviously) over on the official forums, and Aetherdol on TIL's storyboard. Smile I have a bit of an obsession with TES lore and hope to be able to help with the project here (and a bit perhaps with the other Beyond Cyrodiil projects), as I have a special interest in Elsweyr and the Khajiit. I got quite excited when I found this board, considering I trust a group of devoted fans to do a very good job with Elsweyr, and I intend to lend what help I can in terms of lore, and hopefully, once I actually get the PC version of Oblivion, some more mod-related things.
Welcome to the team, Hrafnkel! I look forward to working with you to further this project. :yes:
Thanks. Smile S'nice to be here. I looked around Tamriel Rebuilt for a while, but I just don't have much interest in Hammerfell and things seem to be going slowly over there, so seeing this is refreshing, if only because Beyond Cyrodiil has all the provinces that I'm most interested in. Not to bash TR, of course, as I'm still excited about their Mainland Morrowind work, and I know that whenever they get Hammerfell done it'll suck me in. Tongue
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