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trying to create a table of organisation suitable for a small unit specialist corps is all Krisi - and one that can translate smoothly into game terms - skills, quests and promotions ...

remember the Foreign legion? heh, heh, trick question.
At one point maybe you should be cast out of the Legion and wrongly imprisoned. The Krin would undoubtedly recognize you (the player) as a significant threat, and have agents within the Legion frame you as well as a few others as being agents for the Krin. So you eventually break out of jail and go on a subquest to find and expose the real agents, while using an assumed name or something.
Great idea!
Sounds fun, would be nice to have to sneak around a bit in a fort in the desert. Proove the Imperial Legion that you're innocent, and that the Renrijra Krin are responsible.
It would be interesting to have to sneak past people that you somewhat know. Say, track the real agents from place to place, all the while uncovering clues as to what is really happening. Sneaking into a Legion Commander's office and looking through documents would be fun. Sort of an Oblivion Splinter Cell moment.
Quote:Sneaking into a Legion Commander's office and looking through documents would be fun.

I belive that would be counted treason whatever the reasons...

Quote:For the break between the Krin, maybe it could be gaining more respect and a better foothold in Elsweyr? Anything from doing favours to rich fat cats (pardon the pun), to setting the foundation for new forts.
The Krin is intended to try and convert some tribes to join the krin, anti effort?

Quote:Not to do with the quests per say, but here's what I envisioned for joining them:

There are multiple ways. Recruiters will be in various cities, and after a bit of chatting, if the player shows interest they're directed to an Imperial Office where they can register. If the player denies, they're directed there anyways, "just in case they change their mind".

There will be less chatting if the player is more suited to the legion. IE, if you talk to them and your strength is high, they'll say, "You look strong, maybe you'll like the Desert Corps." This makes it much more likely that if a character suited to the job will get the details of it faster than just a passerby.

Alternately, you can seek out the registration without the help of a recruiter, which is the fastest way of doing it.

I'd say they are directed to Rimmen.. as main base, they are likely to take care of the green recruits.. Multiple ways isn't always a good thing.. Unless you intend to do a Morrowind Quest-line turn...
Of course it would be treason, which is why you would try your hardest not to be seen. It could be similar to the Black Hand missions in which you had to let the guards live, but get by them to reach your objective. You know, some Oblivion Spy-work.

You could possibly sneak into the Legion Commander's office, recover a list of the Corps members, copy the list, then get out of there. Once you have that information you could focus on getting back into favor with the legion.
The Legion must have some base in the south, or they will have no way of fighting smuggling. They also have most likely started trying to find the Gold Cat. ofc just the decoy. So a base of operations in Senchal, or close, might come in handy for them.. I'd almost give them a building in each city of size enough for the imperials to care. To spread the Imperial Law, which I imagine they've done for a while, and investigate and crack down on crime. Other that this the Legion can be assumed to try and get on better feet with the tribes in the north, as there are several rumors in Cyrodiil how they support the Renrijra Krin. If they support on other way that money, is yet to be known. But the Legion might fear that..

Quote:Originally posted by Captain
Equipment received: You'll get Imperial Desert Corps armour piece by piece, by the time you become highest ranked you'll have a full armory of Imperial Desert armor and arms. Of course, you'll get paid per quest, and you gain access to the guilds services.
Its stupid of them to give the armor piece by piece as that leaves the lower ranks badly protected, however they might give upgrades of some kind to more 'proven' soldiers.
How exactly would people here prefer the quests(line) of the Legion to work?
(please explain.. don't just say as MW.. etc)

For as I see it now there is a lot of stuff the Legion could be doing and including it all would make a mess .. at least if not extremely well moderated and made... There is simply to much to do in Elsweyr... I'd never thought I'd be saying that.

Also how and where the player joins is also somewhat important.. ala will the Desert Corps be joined right away or will he be posted somewhere else and get a transfer(most likely if you ask me).

Will player be able to join anywhere with Imperial Legion presence or just in one town, having the other directing him to that town.
I'd say that only one or two people can allow you into the guild, although it was a minor annoyance that for the vanilla fighter's guild you had to find the right people (not difficult but a little annoying), it did help prevent characters (mainly thieves) waltzing in, joining up and exploiting all the free stuff.

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