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Ok, sounds fine, but I like the police stat, false morality idea and don't want to waste it, can you suggest another group?
...Quite frankly, nothing about that idea makes much sense given what is known about the Mane...

(was posting before DA's last comment, btw)
Very little is known about the name, the fact that he is a reincarnation is not "known", don't be so inflexible in these grey areas.
Quote:Originally posted by DarkAsmodeous
Ok, sounds fine, but I like the police stat, false morality idea and don't want to waste it, can you suggest another group?

well.. false morality as in? (yes some times I'm like to talk to the wall..) and I need some sleep it's 01:36am here and it's school in 2 day's time..

Quote:Very little is known about the name, the fact that he is a reincarnation is not "known", don't be so inflexible in these grey areas.

it isnt stated as a fact nobody knowns for sure... the Khajiits belive so however.. and what idea??
Enforcing a false morality.

Moral absolutism is the belief that there are absolute standards against which moral questions can be judged, and that certain actions are right or wrong, devoid of the context of the act. "Absolutism" is often philosophically contrasted with moral relativism, which is a belief that moral truths are relative to social, cultural, historical or personal references, and to situational ethics, which holds that the morality of an act depends on the context of the act.

According to moral absolutists, morals are inherent in the laws of the universe, the nature of humanity, the will of God, or some other fundamental source. Moral absolutists regard actions as inherently moral or immoral. Moral absolutists might, for example, judge slavery, war, dictatorship, the death penalty, or childhood abuse to be absolutely and inarguably immoral regardless of the beliefs and goals of a culture that engages in these practices.

In a minority of cases, moral absolutism is taken to the more constrained position that actions are moral or immoral regardless of the circumstances in which they occur. Lying, for instance, would always be immoral, even if done to promote some other good (e.g., saving a life). This rare view of moral absolutism might be contrasted with moral consequentialism?the view that the morality of an action depends on the context or consequences of that action.

Is not exactly what we are talking about, but it should help with understanding it.

EDIT: What idea are you refering to?
Quote:Originally posted by DarkAsmodeous
Very little is known about the name, the fact that he is a reincarnation is not "known", don't be so inflexible in these grey areas.

I'm not trying to be inflexible. It just seems so completely illogical to me, is all... Like a lot of your other ideas seem to, for that matter.
Quote:Originally posted by Hrafnkel
...Quite frankly, nothing about that idea makes much sense given what is known about the Mane...

(was posting before DA's last comment, btw)

that one.. and I'll be reading that tomorrow.. 'night
Hrafnkel, I would appreciate if you kept away from broad baseles acusations, and supported what you say with references or facts, I would also appreciate a non-hostile environment, I am in here trying to accomade ideas to lore, listen to what is being said about them, and trying to make them work, osmething you are not doing.
The fact that I can't get my mind around your ideas in general is hardly a 'broad and baseless accusation,' it's a simple observation. You and I operate on different wavelengths. Don't be so defensive.

I'm all for new ideas, I just don't see where you're getting anything to back this one up. The Mane isn't really supposed to be a power-hungry fellow, from what I've read. He's more of a Dali Lama, or however that's spelled, than a medieval pope. He wants what's best for his people, and everything that IS known about him seems to suggest that he should be the equivalent of a High Priest. However, I'm mostly going off the pocket guides here, which I'll point out just for the sake of referencing what I'm going on.
He is not power hungry, all plans regarding the mane have been him trying to get ahold of the political situation so as to hold the land together, he is doing what he believes is right, and commiting no great evils, he may be dahli Lama-ish, he is also a leader, and with that comes the need for action.

I appologize if my response seemed defensive, tone has not carried will in either of our posts.
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