Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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you suggested that the Mane dies and a new Mane 'appear' - that would provide 2 (possibly) very different Manes in looks, age, temperament, intentions and deeds...

intention and deed sometimes differ ... the other thread started as visual presentation, and arrived at the question of age / appearance, with the realisation that we had not planned how the Mane would be ... so in this thread we have arrived at potential solutions to these questions, or at least a possible direction.
Mridley's idea.. :lmao:
But I'd would be a little hard to explain why he doesn't go trough life and appear to be in the twenties even if he should be only some months. Unless we make some good cover up. As:

20 years before the Mane is meant to die a new mane is born, taken into the temple, learns the way of Riddle'Thar and other useful stuff he would need when he is to become the Mane. This happen every time a mane is reborn. The old Mane would know his time is soon up and would want to sort out any problems before the new Mane takes over.
or maybe the mane is already dead? and you eventually find this out as a shocker twist in the story line, and the new mane is still too young.

i just thought it would be funny when the plyers realising they have been serving a rotting corpse for the questline.
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