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Baan Dar Questline
06-04-2007, 02:35 PM,
Baan Dar Questline
Just some notes on the first 5 quests for the Baan Dar questline I promised, comments, lore correction and suggested improvements are all welcome, but I already have a good idea where the story leads and how it plays out in a way that portrays multiple facets of the Bandit God.

Suggestions for better quest names are appreciated also Big Grin

Introduction: Finding Baan Dar

There are two ways of finding the Baan Dar:

1. The obvious route - Overheard rumor - adds conversation topic, after questioning ten different people about the Baan Dar and getting wildly differing information you will be approached by a mysterious man who gives you a note saying "The Trickster Smiles Upon You"

2. The Generous Route - The quest will be activated if you donate 20 (or 30) gold to beggars in general, you will then be approached a mysterious man who will give you a note saying "The Trickster Smiles Back".

Either route, several hours later you will be approached by the real Baan Dar, questioned and then told to meet him in *insert major city (other than Orcrest)*

Quest 1: Initiation

You are asked to locate and retrieve a family heirloom that has been confiscated by a corrupt authority figure, then return it to the family. You are informed you should "be discreet"

Options for Retrieval:
2.talking/bribing the guards into giving it back to you

Options for return:
1.Sneak into the family's house and return the heirloom without their knowledge (Bonus)
2.Approach the man of the house in the street and return, with the possibility he may not want to take it back in broad daylight.

Rewards: Quest 2 Tongue and anything you decide to steal from the corrupt authorities

Bonus: Scroll of Chameleon (35%)

Quest 2: Political Prisoners

Free wrongly imprisoned from a Legion fort.

1.Sneak in and pick the locks - lead the prisoners out
2.Find leverage over the guards (perhaps one has dealings in the black market) and blackmail them into letting the prisoners go. (bonus)

Reward: The prisoners are actually bandits althought they were wrongly imprisoned for that crime. They reward you with knowledge of a stash of stolen jewels (nothing particularly expensive, mostly topaz/ruby/sapphire)

Bonus: Ring of the Bard - +5 Speechcraft
+5 Personality

Quest 3: Presents to an Uncle in Orcrest

Deliver a rare enchanted canvas and exquisite paints to a "friend" in Ocrest (is the nephew of Khajiit Cherim).

Upon completing this you are approached by some good-natured rogues who recognise you as Baan Dar apprentice. You are offered "special liquor" which you cannot refuse. wake up the next day in the street with a random 20% of your items missing. (obivously there will be a message saying that you've been robbed)

Reward: none although the Baan Dar may quote a confusing a sensless proverb when he hears of your misfortune.

"One who is tempted today by a cucumber will be tempted tomorrow by a goat" ?

Quest 4: The Tricked becomes the Trickster

Locate the rogues at their den outside Orcrest. The player talks with the sentry (who is not one of the original tricksters) and mentions a celebration thrown together by rogues in the town tonight (of course a rogue cannot resist a party, and is sure to tell allhis friends). Now it is time to find your contact, the locksmith. When the rogues leave for the party (anytime after 10pm?) you and your locksmith friend sneak into their den and change the locks (not sure how this would be done scripting wise). When you leave via the front door (the last one tobe changed) the two rogues who originally tricked you return. They push past you and try and enter (to no avail) then turn to you. They realise they have been well and truly beaten and return your stuff.

Rewards: Your stolen stuff back, one of the rogues becomes a fence, another proverb.

"Thy friend has a friend, and thy friend's friend has a friend - be discreet"

Quest 5 - Robbing the Rich

You must steal the "Diamond of the Dead" from a rich governor of Riverhold and return it to the Baan Dar.

You must steal this as there are no bribeable guards, only guards employed to protect the diamond. There is obvious information to be gathered and such.

Rewards: Blade of Burning Sands - 15pts Fire Dmg on Strike
- Damage Fatigue 100pts on Strike
- Ful Charge = 20 uses

That's all for now, this is about 1/3 throught the questline, and there is a bit of a plot twist around quest 8-9

Comment? Flames? Praise?

An Old Man is sitting on a Bench eating Soup. He is a fool.
06-08-2007, 09:51 PM,
Great to see you are getting to grips with this in a simple way and leaving the high-minded stuff for later or other quests.

Gotta admit that I am a sucker for 'punishment' - I like to see 'consequences' so I want to see what the faction-reactions and those of other NPCs contingent on your being seen, identified, caught, etc will be.

Also I do want to see some kind of philosophical thing surrounding this - like a conversation/note/scroll/recruitment thing

Quest 2 and3 are interestin and 4 is purrfect

Guess I want to see more Khajiit type stuff in there (I do understand that this is just a skeleton and waiting to be fleshed out) however:
- especially apparently 'chance' encounters of defenceless Khajiit people being attacked and robbed in various ways. and the higher your rank the more serious the situations - not levelling questions, but also 'morality' and feelings.

To give this the real feel you have to make this a 'people' and philosophy thing. More so than any other set of quests, as Baan Dar is all about 'social conscience'.

If you want help with the wordy write-ups I am happy to input, and JKJ has a very powerful Khajiit dialogue-feel
Because loyalty is not to be spoken of and honour is to be endured. Whilst courage is to be survived. These virtues belong to silence.
Steven Erikson.

But, if one man does nothing can he be said to be good? raggidman

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