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Don't worry about me closing my mind, it's very open, that's why i'm looking for connections Wink

Well...i'm not saying that the Tsaesci are argonian in origin, i'm saying that the argonian Naga's and the Tsaesci could have a common ancestor, one that is also a far ancestor of the argonian lizzard people, as in the end...all lizzards, snakes, etc are related to eachother.
I'm sure that with all the holes and conflicts in the argonian lore and the lack of Tsaesci/Akaviri lore, we could somehow make it in our favor Wink
The argonians are definately descendants of the hist trees.

I wll admit I favore ted peterson lore, and I spoke with him personaly, and his stance is that the argonians can reproduce without the hist tree, but they need to be near them as they are connected in some way, that way is not clear. An argonian would never, ever uproot a hist tree, and hist trees are sentient and choose to live in the last remains of their land, blackmarsh.

Common ancestor, even if it violates only myth, also makes something mysterious, and meant to be, not mysterious and invalidates the myth, which in itself is validating lore by deciding one or the other on a completely unrelated topic from your own. The creation of the races has not, and will never be answered. There are the evolution believers, teh Aldmeris believers, the tamriel believers, and the god believers, but that is an issue you should never make have a correct answer.
The lore hints that argonians are descendants of the Hist. It does not say that they are or are not, and there is no real definite statement of what the original Hist were.

Ted Peterson is not Nirn. Bethesda has not come out one way or the other on the issue of how the Argonians and Hist trees are related.

If no Argonian would uproot a hist tree, what is one doing in Leyawiin (Blackwood company/fighters guild).
Fair enough - I see your point. Thank you for being clear, and concise.

Deciding for another team thier own races background would indeed be infringing on another team's area. If indeed, the Naga are Argonian ancestry, then we should nor, nor will, infringe on such things.
I said clearly in my post that I favor ted peterson, not that he was nirn, though it is insight.

I said clearly in my post that they were just my oppinions.

That histree was pulled by non argonians, and is a big deal because its the first hist seen by non argonians to the extent of our knowledge.

Thank you Cogidubnus.
This does, of course, beg the question.

Is thier any text, that is not Bethesda Apographya (I mean secret conversations with developers), that states the Naga are indeed Argonian ancestry? If they are not, then there is no reason we should limit our scope here. If the Naga are Argonian ancestors, then we should not decide what they are for the Black Marsh team. If they are not, then I feel there would be much less restriction.
The blackwood company is run by argonians, the hist tree is guarded by argonian mages. How could it have been pulled by anyone else? Who specifically did it?

Its been awhile since I did that quest, but um that doesn't fit the facts as I know them.
Point taken.

However, it is the equivelent of heresy in the height of catholic church rule.

Point is, it realy isn't worth it, and argonians are left mysterious for a reason, because they are integral to tamriel's history. The khajiit have a very similar origin confusion that contradics itself, but that's because the lore is from in game. No one knows, no one is supposed to know.

Actualy, with teh tsaesci not being from men or mer, it would be best if you did not touch their origin, doing so affirms or negates all of teh other creation stories across nirn, and in doing so you will have stepped ont eh biggest lore toes there are.
I hope that everyone can understand that i'm only looking for options. It is never possible to please everyone, but i try very hard.
I hope that people will not get mad, there is no reason to be mad Wink
I hope that no one will start some serious napalm flaming or anything, that will be overkill :eek:
Where does it say the tsaesci are not from men or mer?
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