Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Introductions are in order (Book 1)
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if only Bethesda truly combined the best of both worlds... o well, they didn't that's what modding is for, to push the limits and make things work and make new things
I just didn't get gripped into the world as much... I dunno, just lacked something for me.

If I wanted to help with this gargantuan mod, where would I turn?

I've never used the CS, so that's probably out the window, but maybe helping write quests and stuff like that? I'm usually pretty good at stuff like that. I'd also be interested in maybe helping write the weekly newspapers I read somewhere is being planned?

Anything else would be cool too...
Miek: Starting to use the CS is the first step towards learning it. Now that the first two Redoran hut interiors have been released and are working, we need more modders now more than ever. I'm sure it'll take a week or two to get the hang of using the Construction Set, but you'll see that there's nothing more entertaining to do around here once you do =)

So I would humbly suggest downloading Reich Parkeep Alpha 05.9 + the update and have a go at modding a Redoran hut Smile
Hi, this is Marius aka Zimnel and live in Barcelona, Spain.
Journalist and part time illustrator, 32 years old.
Love TES and modding and used the CS many times, mostly to decorate houses.
Welcome aboard, Zimnel!
Nice to meet ya Zimnel, and welcome to Silgrad Tower!

I hope you'll have a great time here Smile
If you need any help and razorwing isn't around, send me a PM and Id be happy to.
Thanx! Many times here and finally part of the crew ^ ^
Hi all. My name is Nick Dekkers and I'm 24 and an Archaeology student (If you can dig it... Yes, Archaeology jokes suck that much). I live in Somerset in England out of term, and Bournemouth in Dorset during term (if that means anything to anyone). Er... I'm 6ft 1", 12-13 stone (varies), I take a size 11 shoe (12 in American size) have browny-blonde hair, own over 40 pairs of socks and... er... stuff.

I've been an ES fan since Daggerfall, though I started playing it on XP and it never worked properly. Morrowind was the first ES game that I played that actually worked and is definately the one I've played the most.

Dunno why I thought up the name Treebiter, but it's always free when I sign up for something so it stuck.

I don't have a digi-cam, so no pics yet. If you're all good though I'll get one up for you to oggle over... You lucky peeps. On that note I'm off to stare at myself in the mirror for a while... If only there were two of me *cough* Er... Ciao!
Uhh... Yeah... :eek:

Welcome to the team, belated. :confused:
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