Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I would suggest grabbing some footage for us to use but the problem with doing these trailers is that if you're going to get decent footage, the memory size of some of the clips seem to be least they appear to be so when I use FRAPS to capture stuff.

I do have a quite hefty selection of material already but I'm still waiting for sandor to come back so we can get decent LOD used in the footage taken in the midland regions.
I tried capturing some footage in blackrose but I get a maximum of 15 fps on medium and 10 fps while running fraps. I'm not sure if its because of all the bamboo or what, but even though I have a really good computer I don't think I'll be able to capture oblivion footage, using fraps at least. I'll try using livestream procaster and rather than streaming live I'll have it save the recordings on my computer.
Yes, the limitations are likely to lie with the computer rather than the software...although I can't be sure tbh. I've not tried to capture footage of Blackrose as, strictly-speaking, it lies outside of the beta regions. Moreover, no weather effects have been applied to that region which I think would help to make Blackrose look as it Blackrose has no NPCs wandering around it as yet.

Nevertheless, it may prove useful to just release footage of any sort and offer some sort of written commentary over the top that says what I mentioned above.
In what resolution are you recording your footage, IG?
I'd like to know that as well IG. That way I can know what you want me to record anything I can in. I'm currently using 1080p but if you want me to use 720p instead I will.
I think we settled on 720p earlier instead of 1080p.
Ach, I hadn't checked my FRAPS defaults. It seems all my footage so far is in 800x600. Hopefully, it can convert without too much stretching and loss of quality.
Fraps shouldn't be deciding that for you IG. The resolution will be dependant on, of course, the current resolution your screen is using and the resolution you are using in game.
800 x 600 isn't large enough for a 720p (1280 x 720) render. It'd require both resizing and cropping which would reduce the quality considerably.

Fraps always captures video in the resolution specified by the application. If your in-game resolution in Oblivion is 800 x 600, that's what Fraps will be capturing.

Ideally, you'll want to set your in-game resolution to 1280 x 720 if you have a widescreen monitor or 1280 x 960 if you have an old 4:3 monitor. Remember that in the case of the latter, 120 pixels will be cut off both the top and the bottom (an eighth of the screen height).

On that subject, 720p video ranges from 40MB to 60MB per minute when compressed. That's quite a bit but not too much to move around with a broadband connection.
Too bad you can't compress to mp4 and then edit. Always have to edit AVI/Uncompressed to get the best quality right?
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