Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Raptor like creatures that Human Seperatists use as mounts and beasts of war.
From the Tamriel Rebuilt site, the captions says:
Quote:Very little evidence has been shown to prove the existence of manticores in Tamriel, but travellers claim to have seen them in Elsweyr and sometimes even in southern Cyrodiil.
Quote:Originally posted by Captain
From the Tamriel Rebuilt site, the captions says:
Quote:Very little evidence has been shown to prove the existence of manticores in Tamriel, but travellers claim to have seen them in Elsweyr and sometimes even in southern Cyrodiil.

So we make it a unique beast or two like the Udyfrkte (Awesome name)

Well not giant centipedes. To go along with the giant spiders, or maybe wild roaming khajjits that have gone feral?

Rock lizard :bananarock:
[Image: creature.jpg]
Haven't thought of a name for this guy yet. I'd imagine it'd be just a bit taller than a standard NPC.
Quote:Originally posted by Captain
[Image: creature.jpg]
Haven't thought of a name for this guy yet. I'd imagine it'd be just a bit taller than a standard NPC.

Rock-a-pede :bananarock: hehehe

Anyway, how about hes a version of the sandworm? DING I just thought of something, instead of a undead wyrm, lets have a undead worm!!!! That would be wicked! Or a dead worm you can explore the insides of
Perhaps ancient worms were much, much bigger, and there's still the remains of one that you can explore?
Organic dunfgeons are both hard to make, and limited as the creature wouldn't be THAT big. I like the idea, but other more conventional architecture is the priority.
Quote:Originally posted by DarkAsmodeous
Organic dunfgeons are both hard to make, and limited as the creature wouldn't be THAT big. I like the idea, but other more conventional architecture is the priority.
Remember Skar, the Emperor Mudcrab? That thing was huge! I can see something similar being used in Elsweyr. I see your point though. Maybe it could be used as a sort of slums with cheap cloth over the bones?
Well I know DA said no dragons but maybe one dragon inside a sandstorm where there is questline leding up to killing it?
Maybe a rare Child Elephant.mumak that you could ride after a tough quest to get it...
Word for Dragon = Worm

Maybe no live Dragons, but surely a Dragon Skeleton or dessicated remains preserved by the dry climate in the Desert areas? (ummm, non-animate skel/remains that is =) )
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