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Well, people are naming quite a lot of hostile creatures...

But what I, personally, loved about Oblivion was strolling through the forest and happening upon a hunter or bandit chasing after deer, and possibly falling off a cliff in the process. So.. I would suggest:

Gazelle : As I'm not a modder, I'm not sure how easily this could be done, but I would think you'd just need to put a new skin on a deer?

Hyena : Skin on a wolf. Perhaps a bit bulkier in the front, if you can do that.

Warthog : Just use a boar with a different name.

Meerkat: I don't remember if there are any tiny creatures in Oblivion.. but, if not, you could re-skin a scamp, reduce the size, and call it a meerkat.

(And, an Easter Egg. Non-Hostile Meerkat and Warthog named Timone and Pumba.)

Now for animals that would probably be a good deal harder to make, but I'm just puttin' 'em out there.

Hippos: Quite hard to do, I would assume.. but... maybe making -a lot- of modifications to a bear or a boar?

Rhinocerous: Same for that Hippo.

Giraffe: No idea, folks.

Now, I also have a comment on these Mummies people keep suggesting. No where does it state that the Khajit preserve their dead like this. -In fact-, I thought I read somewhere, on this forum, that they left they burried their dead in cairns in the sands and were actually very relaxed about burial rituals. Mummies don't seem to make sense. However, the deserts supposedly preserve these corpses, and they're sold in Senchal. Could not an enterprising Necromancer raise an army of the dead, via this bounty of bodies? Tomb Kings of Khemri style, minus the pharoahs.
Just thought of something else...

Zebra: Reskinned Horse? Yes? No?
I'm pretty sure that a lot of these have been done already...there was a thread about it somewhere...
here we go...Resources for Elsewyr: Animals
Im new and all around here and the oblivion modding community just like to say i would love to see in this mod these guys(Someone posted before about a re-textured wolf well what my pic is about to suggest is somethink in-between a wolf and a hyena)
[Image: 115057.jpg]
I know this is from lord of the rings,But maybe re-texturing the wolf and changing the wolfs head into somethink like this(Couldnt someone go in facegen or somethink and make a head like this from there) anyway i would love to see warg like wolves that you see on the plains just being like a hyena would and when you attack them,They all pack up and can kill you with ease(So sneaking or ranged attacks is the best idea here) Anyway ill leave you cat dudes with my idea(Also this shouldnt be in this post but i think that Big Version of the house cat species:Cant think of the name: Should be fluffy cats like the one you see in the bond movies that white one the evil guy has,They would be good tax collectors :lmaoSmile anyway ive yabbering on enough so i leave you with a cool hyena pic,Ill report back when i hear a reply.
[Image: hyena_pup.jpg]
Welcome Lore_Naga!

I really like your ideas. Don't worry about LotR concept,i understand you.
Definitely wanna see some hyena like creature,but in fantasy style. I mean we should add some horn or something,bigger back and etc.

Would you like to join to us?

Well sure but with me,Im just a simple Lore Guy,I will join you guys if you like but i really want to see akavir fruit its lovely asian concept to life,I got millions of ideas for a Desert Concept,Swamp Concept,Jungle Concept,And a Asian Like Concept, Im currently working on a Blind Canine Race concept art for akavir(Need to quick sketch more so its look like a concept,Not some rubbish pencil pushed drawing X( ) Anyone know a quick way of getting a photo done of my art without spending £250 ($500 like i think...) on a digital camera, Im also very confused with the akavir peeps saying they feed on humans/tsaesci kept cattle when in fact if you read your akaviri books they say they keep goblins in mass and drink on them,The akaviri humans are actually slaves i think now,Anyway onto Elsweyr if you guys need me i will willingly join i currently have a felix cat so maybe he will help on House Cat lore ideas :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :eek: , Im a bit silly right now so i have an idea for a drug in elsweyr,Cat nip! of course well a drug that cults use to attract the khajits at night and may even capture them and keep them as slaves,Its just an idea
then, Welcome to the Team! :goodjob:

Well,i need ideas for jungles and jungle architectures. You can draw concept art or only ideas?

Both are nice,but drawing would be better.

I can draw concept for my own ideas but i still need to know how to get them on the computer if anyone tells me how then maybe i can post some buildings,I can also draw concepts very goodly for other peoples ideas but there perspective has to be good(So they find a way to exactly pin-point there idea,If you want an example i found it really annoying a few minutes ago on posting on blackmarsh to explain my Kaatru People Idea:Also Visit that and see what you think of it:But i just thought ok The Stairs are circular and will go down to a lagoon at the bottom were swamp houses are) Im willing to share my concepts with all the teams,Because Elsweyr,Blackmarsh,Akavir are my favourite places i want to visit ^^, If i get into the actual modding my first mod will be making that youtube vid,The one about a khajit in disguise as an argonian"Im a khajit in disguise would you like to lick my penus " xD :lmao: a real thing you can come across while in chorrol or somethink,God i will definetly nick the voice overs from that youtube vid no way could i do so exactly right,Anyway for your jungle concept and buildings and that lot,What exactly is it because i cant really imagine khajits living in a jungle(Ka Po' tun maybe) Is it a Savannah Forest? well just tell me "All" the details on the place and whatever is there and the buildings etc..... And someone reply about the taking pic or whatever so i can show my concept art online??
That's strange,you can't imagine Khajiits in jungle.. :O

The southern part of Elsweyr is Rainforest/Jungle. There lives Tojays and other khajiit types. Well about Jungle Architecture, i need blending aztec,mayan and mud style. Native style. Leaf huts,mud huts and bamboo huts. Hope this small info help for you.

Can't wait to see your concepts! And Kaatru is Paatru with P. Smile

As for uploading pics to your comp, don't ya have a scanner. They come in cheap at about $25-$50.
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