Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: SHRAC08 "Steadhelm Region Area Claim" [Finished]
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NP IG, Just wanted to help help out a fellow modder Smile.
Back to work again. I got a new Gainward Bliss 6800GS, as I wished :yes:

I just did a little extra, adding hermit's crook to the first moldcave then removing flying objects and adding ferns up to 54, 0 (the ferry cell). This may be slow progress from now on but I'll keep people updated.
Latest version -

Progress Report

Landscaping & Height Editing - All done unless I come across errors or oddities.
Terrain Texturing - Mostly done except for some blocky texturing and a contamination error.
Main features (now named as stated and with map markers added) - x2 Moldcaves (Astermeier Cave & Mithril Quarry Cave), x1 Velothi Ruin (Carthinasia Ruins), x1 Fort Ruin (Fort Abromel). Is another needed?
Flora - NS Grid reference -5 to 0 complete with extensive fern scattering along with Hackle-lo, Bungler's Bane/Hypher Facia, Slough Fern, Violet Coprinus and so on. Have also corrected flying objects to this grid ref. Need assistance with contamination error and playtesting for blocky textures.
Enemies & Pathgridding - Nothing done.
Vertex Shading - Nothing done.

Others: added hermit's crook to moldcave entrances, improved lighting and mist effects for Astermeier Cave (the waterfall cave) and various other modifications.

Edit - I have a few issues. The first two screenshots show the light beam effect at Astermeier cave which interferes with the mist. I'll just move this beam up a bit when I'm next in the CS and hopefully that should solve the problem. Does anyone have any further advice on that? It's the first time I used these effects.

The third and fourth screenshots show a problem I've had with the fort for quite a while. I just can't get the top how I'd like it. I think these pieces are a mish-mash of top and middle pieces and that may be the problem but I wondered if there was a tile that covers this blank area.

@Sandor - I'm going to do enemies and pathgridding next. I wanted to know if there was a way of quickly setting up a pathgrid network as they normally appear in Oblivion landscapes and then just tweak it as I go along so it avoids obstacles and precipices.

I may need someone to playtest this for textures and vertexing soon. I'm not good with colours and stuff so if someone could point me in the right direction of what needs to be sorted out then it'd help speed up development.
Quote:Originally posted by Ibsen's Ghost

@Sandor - I'm going to do enemies and pathgridding next. I wanted to know if there was a way of quickly setting up a pathgrid network as they normally appear in Oblivion landscapes and then just tweak it as I go along so it avoids obstacles and precipices.
Go to the World menu and select the 'Path Grid Generation' sub menu.
Select 'Generate selected cells'.
Do not delete the existing PG (where applicable).

The cells have to be selected in the 'Cell view' window.
The generation time depends on your computer.

Make sure you finished the landscape (adding/moving trees and rocks etc.) before generating the PG.

If you change the position of rocks etc. after the generation, you have to adjust the PG as well.
Quote:Originally posted by Ibsen's Ghost
Back to work again. I got a new Gainward Bliss 6800GS, as I wished :yes:

Hi IB. Glad to hear you are up and running. You will do alot better with that card Smile. I have an Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT atm. I think the one you have installed atm is a step above. I guess I know what I am getting for Christmas Smile. Again glad to hear you have a card.
Thanks, Sandor. That's a relief. :explained:

I'm almost finished with positioning. Repositioning the rocks has been the most time-consuming and dull of the tasks so far. However, I'm just focusing on the rocks and not bushes, trees and so on so I may have to do a little PG adjusting later on. I just couldn't be bothered to do them as well with such tenacity.

I just got a new job so I'm not going to be as committed as I have been of late but this isn't far from completion now. Nice to hear that I'm not a graphics card dinosaur, Zurke! My copy of Oblivion set the defaults to high which is truly amazing! And I'm rediscovering playing with grass enabled, even though I'll probably switch it off later because I like to see what's on the ground clearly.
Quote:Originally posted by Ibsen's Ghost
I just got a new job so I'm not going to be as committed as I have been of late but this isn't far from completion now.
Thanks for the update. Smile
What an utter bastard X(! I was just modding away quite happily when I clicked on 'save' and my PC cut out, probably without completing the save. Worse still, my last archive file was fairly long ago.

The PC cutting out problem is one I've had for years and which cannot really be solved. Trust me, I've tried everywhere. Now I just accept that it happens occasionally. Now though, the CS won't open. I get the following messages:

ZLib stream did not terminate
Error inflating Zlib stream

Any ideas? Reinstall the CS?
Thats where I would start Ibsen's. The other options are that its the oblivion files or the file you were working on, but that wouldn't make much sense unless it crashes when you try to open them. From what you said it sounds like its having this issue when you are just starting the CS?
Quote:Originally posted by ShadowDancer
From what you said it sounds like its having this issue when you are just starting the CS?

Yep, it won't even load up!
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