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Yeah, sort of. Luckily for us JonSatriani has already created a vast amount of the Telvanni statics. He hasn't released them yet though; they're still in development I believe.
Yes, there are some really cool roots in SI, that look televanni. I use those for my personal projects alot, and I think we might use them for Black Marsh as well.
Dave: I got my Blackrose claim accepted!!!
I also made 4 Stormhold claims, and they need some more done. So if you feel up to it, try to drop over there and get some interior claims. Thanks Dave.
I'm busy with Balmora claims right now. But I'll take a look tomorrow. Smile
Hi, I'm not much of a modder, but I do have some quest ideas (I've already got a thread going for one involving Fargoth), and I could do some writing, including books and dialogue. (I'd even be willing to run through Morrowind and copy text out of books, if it can't be found anywhere else).
Just point me in a direction I can be useful, and turn me loose!
No problem, your ideas in the other thread were great! I'm sure you can fit in somewhere! :bounce:
Reporting for duty(can't remember name, complicated lol)
I am not god in moding... I am not even good in moding....but I wish to help on this mod where I can...If I can go in team.
Welcome all. If I didn't get ya on the list and welcome ya'll before, you are now. No worries.

Quote:Originally posted by Johnny-Luk@
Reporting for duty(can't remember name, complicated lol)
Morrowind is the greatest game ever, and revisiting it post Neverine with the Oblivion engine is genius.

Use my help please.

I am a hell of a writer, I can match styles if you need some patching done or sequels of existing lore written. I can write dialog and create memorable npcs. I can design quests and story arcs/branches.

My scripting is awful beyond dialog trees, modeling nonexistent, and art, meh.

But I am a good writer familiar with the material. Send me an e-mail telling me what you need and I'll get the job done, Cap'n.

Not sure if Ku added you in Iggy, any way I have and welcome :bananarock: :bananarock:
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