Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Mine all have BM prefixes. Are the duplicate files in the same folder...? If so, then I won't make that mistake again as the files without BM prefixes aren't in my own folders as far as I can tell. This is probably another result of my data transfer after the malware infection.
To hell with bsa files! X( It's not working as I wanted it to do with bsa commander so I'm just going to stick with basic files for now. I'm not fiddling around with it when we only have sandor's services available for a short period of time so I'm afraid we're going to have to put up with another large download for now. Then I'll find out what went wrong when I tried packing things up in a bsa just now.

The latest archive contains:
  • A new range of tapestries for interiors (Lady Li, Gizmodian and Ibsen's Ghost)
  • A new range of rugs for interiors (Ibsen's Ghost).
  • Plantago, fossil logs, oilplants (not yet prepared) and lumberries (Koniption).
  • Kothringi road texture for Soulrest (llamaranger).
  • Large asset overhaul featuring many MOPPified items to improve the FPS (Koniption).
  • New textures for BM huts (llamaranger).
  • New watertop hut additions (Koniption).
  • Complete new sets of armours (Ghogiel, Ibsen's Ghost, Morsyth, Koniption).
  • Mounted Heads (Dyr Kriger).
  • New book textures (Ibsen's Ghost).
  • Various other bits and pieces including fixes (Ibsen's Ghost).

NB: I have split up the download into three separate chunks of about 200mb each. All of these should be slotted into your data folder. I will get things put into a bsa archive soon as the bloody thing does what it's told... X(

In the meantime, I'm currently uploading the first part of the archive (a grand total of 100mb). After five minutes, I'm up to 3% with 3 hours to go?!?!? Wtf?!?
Sorry for butting in, but when I want to use .bsa all I do is fire up BSACommander and register archives with it.
My 2 pence
I am currently uploading the bsa archive file as I think I know where I went wrong originally. I will test out the bsa archive which is identical to the one above. Ideally, we should be using the bsa but I didn't want to send out a file that I thought may not work whilst sandor is only available for updates temporarily before his holidays.

I recommend using the normal files for the time being but, if you have a strong internet connection and don't mind downloading large files, you may prefer to use the bsa archive if I can verify it's working as I'd hoped. I will edit this post once the file has uploaded so you can check it out and will also give you my report on how it performed (I suspect some texture issues).
Quote:Originally posted by Ibsen's Ghost
I am currently uploading the bsa archive file as I think I know where I went wrong originally. I will test out the bsa archive which is identical to the one above. Ideally, we should be using the bsa but I didn't want to send out a file that I thought may not work whilst sandor is only available for updates temporarily before his holidays.

I recommend using the normal files for the time being but, if you have a strong internet connection and don't mind downloading large files, you may prefer to use the bsa archive if I can verify it's working as I'd hoped. I will edit this post once the file has uploaded so you can check it out and will also give you my report on how it performed (I suspect some texture issues).
I'm almost done downloading all the files, so I'll test it out.

Question: Are they supposed to be such small archives? They're all about 100mb a piece, not 200mb?
Yes, the files are compressed using Winrar so they're bound to be smaller than they actually are.

It looks like I've uploaded the bsa but, due to the fact that the Virgin Media website I used to store the file is the most awkward, slow and baffling facility I've used in a long time, I can't seem to get access to the file. I'll edit this post if I manage to figure the stupid damn thing out.
Quote:Originally posted by Ibsen's Ghost
Yes, the files are compressed using Winrar so they're bound to be smaller than they actually are.

It looks like I've uploaded the bsa but, due to the fact that the Virgin Media website I used to store the file is the most awkward, slow and baffling facility I've used in a long time, I can't seem to get access to the file. I'll edit this post if I manage to figure the stupid damn thing out.

Yeah, I knew they were compressed.
They're archive files(Meshes, LOD, Sound, etc.) instead of .bsa
I'll look at them in-game now.
Here are the new reedhut interiors and the collision updats for the lichen rock.

Thanks, LR. I'll include them in the next archive. :check:
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