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Yeah, mine is gone too. But I dont remember where I got it.
Yeah, I know, I told RW not to try and give me my old one back. This one is so much better :lmao:
Well, it's been a very busy week, so I couldn't work on mods much and didn't make a difference to me that both sites were down. Tired now~. -_-*

Today I tried to make up for that. I added haraate, but did not look for other pieces yet. I added naginata and kanasaibo. For stats, I think I'm just going to take easy way out for now and make all light things equal to glass and all heavy things equal to daedric, excuse being "quality craftsmanship". You can set more appropriate stats in the larger mod. I'm having to make lots of clothing for NPC's, too, but not taking time to properly put in openings and folds. These are touches I can improve later if I want, but right now I'm loosing steam and need to finish the beta as soon as I can.

The thing I toyed with most today was trying to put a Tsaesci in the game. I made one with an argonian mesh and Corthian's Tsaesci textures, but for some reason didn't like it. It looked ... argonian. Tsaesci are supposed to be "tall, golden, and terribly beautiful with snake tails" ... or something like that. My mind thinks of naga or merilith -- beautiful human torso with snake tail. Argonian are not tall or beautiful and have legs, so I decided to use a high elf mesh instead and call it "Tsaescijin" ("Tsaesci person"). I gave her the same snake eyes and fangs as Rin. Now the question is how to dress her. I put her in hakama at first like the other pirate, but it seemed too common. (At least hakama are somewhat common to me, so I imagine Tsaesci looking more exotic.) I've been testing her in various things and decided I like seeing the scales of Corthian's textures on her arms and back, but I haven't found "just right" outfit yet.

Tsaesci Subspecies?

Will do camping next week, so progress and check-ins will be sporadic, but I'm still here. ^_^ Glad to see everything back to normal!
I think there should be a Tsaesci tail in Corthian's resource pack, i think it works like pants, so the Tsaesci is suppost to wear it.
You might want to give the tail a try.
Quote:Originally posted by Kodama
I think there should be a Tsaesci tail in Corthian's resource pack, I think it works like pants, so the Tsaesci is suppost to wear it.
You might want to give the tail a try.

Correct, there's a item you need to put in the NPCs inventory for him to equip it. It's the tail.
Oh! Okay. I thought the tail mesh was like regular body part and kept getting weird "blocks" around her, so I removed it. But after I switched it to clothing, I got this.

Is setting supposed to be lower body and feet? Do I need to do something else to it?

I've been trying different body replacers to see which brings out her skin texture best, and I think Exnem wins. Nearly crashed my game doing it, though. I will see how Roberts does for male Tsaesci, but I think my poor, old computer has about reached its limit on how much more Oblivion stuff it can hold. :/ It's chugging so badly now that things sometimes don't load, and I end up with things like ... waterfalls flowing in mid-air, or NPC riding a horse that isn't there.

[Image: TsaesciTail.jpg]
Snap!! Big Grin :lmao:
I've had that happen, but I never could figure how to fix it. Mine does that with Upperbody, the only thing I can to to relatively fix it is set it as an amulet. But there is major clipping. X(
I have no idea how Corthian fixed the tail exactly Confusedhrug:
But here is what Corthian said about it:

My Tsaesci come with specialty armor that works with the tail mesh. Try to use those.

Generally the Tsaesci Inventory should include:

The tail mesh (Legs and Feet),
One of the Tsaesci armors, an upper body mesh that doesn't rig to either of the thighs bones, or no upper clothing at all,
They can wear any helmets, guantlets, or amulets.

I will come up with more Tsaesci specific rigged armor later, but right now it is low on my priority list.
Well, I'm back ... for a time. Went on vacation for a week, came home to some difficult personal decisions, and then started to complete Kojima but realized there were several problems that needed removing or extensive redoing. Discouraged, I took a side glance into my Drow Fortress mod and realized I was actually closer to finishing that one first. So, I decided to mark it off my "to do" list and be done with it. It will be released today, hopefully, and then Kojima will be the only unfinished personal mod I have left.

The bad news is that, as I've mentioned before, my computer is old and cannot handle much more modding. I need to finish what I've started, get the bsc files OUT, and do a thorough weeding. I can barely walk through Kojima's main road at a descent speed, and gamplay is near impossible now with all the chugging and pausing to load. I may even have to uninstall, delete the Bethesda Data folder completely, and start over because I screwed up my bodies by experimenting with replacer mods and updated Vim and Vigor without really understanding how. If I have to start over, I will probably not reinstall Oblivion until after spring.

Basically, I have to work toward closing down shop with modding by that time because I will be moving again -- this time to America. (But at least I have more than 1 month notice this time, ne?)

The rest of October will be busy for me with weekend events I should attend. Then in November I will be going to Kyoto. I will work on finishing Kojima, but updates won't be so often.

Ra, thank you very much for the file I see you sent. I will download that at lunch and respond as soon as I can. I am behind in email right now, so I will answer other mail soon, too.

Sorry for the change in plans, but things have changed for me so I must regroup my activities.
Ok, if you stop modding, even if it's only for a while, then at least drop by sometimes to say hi, or give your opinion about something, ok?
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