Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Quote:Originally posted by Deeza
@ Alex:

Is that.... VELOTHI architecture I see there? We could really, really use some of that for starters.
Dear Deeza;
That's what I started thinking too. Would you use it for BM or HR or even ST?
Yours Sincerely;
@PWN - thanks. Might be surprising but don't like WoW - just did some requests.


not sure about the name , but I remember something of Telvanni from Morrowind.
I can start working on them again , but i'm not sure about the interiors - making a telvanni tileset would be quite hard - if you want something almost identical to the originals , that is.


I kinda unpacked the bsa added the 9-11 packs and reshuffle and repacked it for convenience. If it's useful I could upload it where you tell me. Big Grin
I'm pretty certain that Velothi is the name you're thinking of. We will be using it in Eastern Black Marsh. We already have several Velothi-style models and interiors, but being able to add a few more variations like the ones you have would be incredibly useful. Don't worry about the interiors too much - we can probably make use of the ones we already have, they are similar enough in general shape.
Quote:Originally posted by alex2avs
@Koniption : Hello =) . I use blender ,yes - it's free - also more friendly than 3DsMax Big Grin

Some examples of models I made some time ago : [snip by KP...]
where can I find a list with the models that need to be done ?


@ PWN: lol, yeah the crazy-eyed rats go well with my name. Originally, the mice had normal eyes...but then LoreNaga, who use to be with us, tweaked my meece's eyes. I sometimes wonder if the change has any reflection on my RL...?? O.O

@ Alex2avs,

Heh, you have skillz with Blender! I liked the look of the weapons and the detail that went into them. I liked everything, though, tbh.

I will send you the list of needed models/requests in a few days. I have sent the current list to Ibsen, for him to look at, to make sure me and him are on the same page, somewhat. I did that just now, and it might take him a few days to get a tweaked list back to me. After that, I will forward the list to you.

Can't wait for the list.

Meanwhile , I did this Broken Bridge Big Grin
Awesome! Soooo much needed, AX! I was looking forward to having such a model.

Regarding the Velothi debate mentioned above, I don't really think we'll be needing that much as we already have items from the Sheogorath mod that more than fit with what's needed. Nevertheless, it might be useful to have a few models if we find there is not enough variation or we choose to do something a bit special.

It looks like you found the open model claims thread anyhow. Another big item we're missing is the interiors for the Soulrest models. I'll go check the other threads now and direct you straight there to my concept drawing if you haven't found it already. It may not be the most exciting model but it will sure lay a big problem to rest with respect to the release of the beta.

@ PWN - No worries. Give me a shout if you spot anything on the claims thread that takes your fancy and bear in mind that we don't always have time to post up claims for things that need doing so sometimes it's just a case of asking what sort of task you'd like to do and we'll point you in the right direction and give you as much choice and freedom as we can.
I think Ibsen is right that the Velothi stuff should be low priority compared to more urgent items. But its nevertheless good to know that we have the option of working on those models if, as you say, we later find out that we don't have enough variety for the East.
Hello everyone,

I was contacted by IG about joining forces, because I tried to create some Black Marsh myself, but I've put too much work in one village and it would've taken ages. But in a larger group I think I can do some good.
I am a perfectionist (this is actually a negative point but hush!) and an artist. Interiors and exteriors (small scaled) are my cup of tea, although I still have to figure out how traps work.

I have browsed these forums and have been able to form a general image of the Marshes and the system, but I haven't figured out the claim-system completely, the adapted-status to be more specific.

Downloading the files now, going to Naming Codes next.

Face Wink
Hi Face!

There's something you should know about downloading those files and that is that the ones in the BSA thread are the old files. Therefore, you're likely to come across plenty of purple objects when you enter the BlackMarsh worldspace either in-game or in the CS.

I'll send you a PM (private message) with the links to the complete set of assets. Follow the instructions there and it will work MUCH better! One question though: have you read and agree with the Pledge of the Lizard King?

As for the claims system, it's just a case of navigating to this part of the forums: and then picking something to do. Basically, the claims system is there so that everyone can work more easily as a team and yet still have a bit of freedom to develop some of their own ideas. These must be kept within sight of the overall aims of the project, however. It just keeps things on-track. To claim something, just request to do so on the relevant thread.

Also, it sometimes takes a while to publish the claims (it's extra admin for me) so there may be a few more claims than what exists on there already. Consequently, if there's some particular task you want to take on then just let us know through the forums or by sending a PM and we'll give you an idea of what's up-for-grabs.

Oh, and be aware that we're working towards a beta release and that some things are given priority over others. Some things may be off-limits in the interests of working sensibly. For example, the old team just did quite a lot of work on towns and forgot completely about the landscapes. That means that some mug (me, sadly) had to do a lot of painstaking work to get the surroundings set up around it. That is why we take things piece-by-piece and gradually build up sections, completing them as much as possible as we go.
I was suspecting the 'latest' .bsa that I downloaded wasn't the real thing. Wink

If there's some particular task you want me to take on then just let me know through the forums or by sending a PM. L Big GrinL
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