Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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yeah I figured it would work like that, I tried, but unfortunately my nifscope skills sucks.


oh, I forgot to mention that I've finished another stair model yesterday, I also forgot to take a picture of it. It's a rounded corner, but also a stair, there will be one for both sides. Looks pretty cool.
Seriously and tastily Morrowindy-Imperial Tobi the Dane :goodjob:

noted in .36 that you had not placed a bannister to connect the 2 stairwalls on the inside.
yeah, I did that on purpose, otherwise I have to do some strange voodoo 3d in order to fix it, which I won't Smile

It's how it looks in Morrowind, and that's what I'm going for. Besides the stairs are designed to follow a straight wall, adding corners to it like that will make it look a little strange.
I doubt the stairs will be used in this way anyway, it's just a demo of it.
I have not yet modeled the stairs that are to go alongside a wall.
They will come.
Looks great Tobi. :goodjob: :banana:

oh jesus, so tired. I've decieded to stay up all night, even though it's Thursday (which means it's Friday now but you know, the day hasn't passed on unless you sleep) I have to do a stupid school report. I can't wait until it's finally weekend, Sleep, sleep, sleep. Then some modelling. Life is good, sometimes.
No rush, man. Your models will be there tomorrow. And we'll all be here, hounding you to hurry up! :goodjob:
oh yeah I have a lot of stuff to do. I've decied to do some siege stuff too (I know it's of the record, so it properly won't be included in this package, but building a trebuchet or a catapult sounds really cool. but since these are not my top priority I won't do them until this imperial fort set is done and shipped.
But I am gonna make siege stuff one day Smile
There was an outhouse by Baal in our TES3 mod. One of the cool things about it back then was that it had an animated door Big Grin I've been meaning to get it in our Oblivion mod; I tried once long ago but it wouldn't import right. But that was around 1½ years ago so, I've been thinking of giving it another try. I've attached it in case someone wants to check it out.

However... Baal's outhouse doesn't look very good, so if I had gone ahead with porting it to Oblivion I would probably have wound up just using it as concept art. If you guys, Steve and Tobi, want to create your own outhouses then I'm all for that Smile

I don't know of a furniture tutorial unfortunately, but setting up furniture is rather easy as far as Nifskope goes. I start with a Bethesda nif that has the same markers as I want to use and then just replace their model (NiTriStrips) with mine.
I thought an outhouse could be made up of 3 simple pieces.
- the house itself.
- the seat
- the door.

it could inspire to some really funny stealth quests. while the guard is...doing whatever he has to do you can sneak inside whatever building he's guarding
It could be trigered by some event, like you poison his food so he gets diarrhea or something Big Grin

Yes! Finally! I'm done with that bloody report! Hallelujah! Now I can rest in peace!


Okay, a small update: here are the corner Stairs, both left and right:

modified the first post to show progress in percentage. so far. Overall: 20% Exterior: 28% Interior:0 %

okay, I seem to have fixed the bug with the penetrating arrows, using box collision (that will make Razorwing very happy Smile )
Though I'm left wondering, what sort of collision should I use for stairs? and rounded corners, heck what about my rounded corner stairs? Any suggestions?
How am I going to make a prober collision on this one?
Placing a lot of boxes and manually moving them around seems stupid, there has to be a better way.

edit 5:

Okay, I've made a new outhouse:
I think, that if you place the door like I've placed it on the picture then the player should be able to see through that moonshaped hole in the door. An execelt place for thieves to hide.

edit6: I added two moons, thanks to SACarrow for the idea.
Good job with the fort tilesets! :goodjob: Im likeing.

The outhouse is awsome too Big Grin Imperials dont shit in the woods, they arent savages like the other races.
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