Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Quote:Originally posted by ShadowDancer
By messing up the AI do you mean people coming and going? Because you could always set the pathgrid and disable it's links when the drawbridge is up or the porticullis is down. The only issue would be making sure that everyone either stays inside or only leaves and enters at the hours that the porticullis is up and the drawbridge is down. You could even set up a special circumstance for them as part of a quest or something that lowers the drawbridge and opens the porticullis outside of the normal times or else it could be open normally and in special circumstances it could be closed (raiding party). All of that would be easy enough to do with a single script once they are animated and attach it to a lever/wheel object like the gates in the sewers in Oblivion.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I didn't realise that such posibilities were available. In that case it shouldn't be a problem.
The commands are DisableLinkedPathPoints and EnableLinkedPathPoints which is how Bethesda would keep NPCs and creatures from activating the traps in dungeons. As soon as the trap is activated, the path points connected to the object are enabled or disabled depending on the type of trap. It would work fine for a drawbridge or porticullis as long as its scripted properly and the proper path grid nodes are attached to the objects so no creatures or NPC's wander into the moat or off a cliff. Thats the easy part of things. The bigger problem is making sure that no NPCs have to be some place on the other side of the drawbridge or porticullis when the path grid is disabled, because that will mess with the AI.
Quote:Originally posted by Tobi the Dane
Quote:Are these already part of the set?

They are now Wink

:pop: How the hell do you work so quick?
I don't sleep Smile

I'm taking a small break from modding. I have to do some work for someone, and I can't let modding distract me. I think I'll be back in no time.

edit2: ok, it turns out that there's more (and more complicated work) from this guy, which means that this break may turn out to be somewhat long. I'll be back eventually.
Quote:Originally posted by nick_op
I could deal with the animation for the portcullis and drawbridge if you need. The chain would likely need to move into a concealed area though - making it wrap around a pivot would be possibly draining on resources - the amount of bones needed would be high. More bones being animated means bigger performance hit.

I could always try it and test to see if there's a performance hit - let me know when you've finished the neccesary pieces.
I think you would only need one bone at export, scene root. Even if you needed to have a objects linked to bones to get a cool animation, isn't there a way to bake the transforms of the chain objects into their own keyframes independant of the bones? hms. Must be a way to use bones and controllers to get a good animated scene and then remove them but keep the transforms the objects are actually doing. I have a door with 5 moving parts, but it was all just a animated scene. all standard rotations and translations, so I didn't need to link them to bones to animate. But a chain whinding up around a pivot is a tad more complicated to animate. But it seems so simple, must be a way to set it up without bones. brain not working..... grr. I have to ask saiden for a tip on this one..

Quote:Well, the stones had to be laid in an angle otherwise the mapping wouldn't fit. Because of the darkgreen"shadow" area at the the top.

ah I see. I don't think you can quite simulate that with vert colors and a version of the texture without the dark green, might not look the same. perhaps the ideal solution is a texture specifically for those sections.
Quote:Originally posted by Ghogiel
I think you would only need one bone at export, scene root. Even if you needed to have a objects linked to bones to get a cool animation, isn't there a way to bake the transforms of the chain objects into their own keyframes independant of the bones? hms. Must be a way to use bones and controllers to get a good animated scene and then remove them but keep the transforms the objects are actually doing. I have a door with 5 moving parts, but it was all just a animated scene. all standard rotations and translations, so I didn't need to link them to bones to animate. But a chain whinding up around a pivot is a tad more complicated to animate. But it seems so simple, must be a way to set it up without bones. brain not working..... grr. I have to ask saiden for a tip on this one..
Yeah, I think you're right. I think I could probably bake the anims down to the objects and just link them all to the scene root bone. I think the 'trajectories' panel would deal with it.

Edit: I've just thought, path constraints should do it. :banana:
I been thinking, maybe I should turn the chains into a rope instead. Far less polygons.
Quote:Originally posted by Tobi the Dane
I been thinking, maybe I should turn the chains into a rope instead. Far less polygons.
Perhaps have both? I'd personally like to have a go at animating both, even if one isn't used in the end.
So glad to see you making progress on this!! :bananarock:

I just wondered, off the topic a little, where the new Imperial Fort is likely to appear. Has anyone claimed the tileset for use in a particular area?
In any case, I haven't hard about it.
My personal plan is to release this a a modders resource, not restrict it to Silgrad Tower only.
After that I'll make the interior pieces and after that I think I'll begin working on smaller projects and packages. Things like; Lumbercamp set, kitchen set, harbor set, junk set, siege equipment set, you get the idea. and make them modders recource too.

But I don't think I will ever start on a project this big again! It has taken me many months. Of course I had to learn the basics to begin with, and I had to start over 3 times.
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